The Main Garden
The gardens laid out around Whitfield House have evolved since the 18th century. They include extensive lawns and topiary, formal ponds, a large collection of magnolias and some exceptional trees including a champion Gingko which sits just inside the walled kitchen garden. There are woodland paths and a grove of giant Coastal Redwood trees.

Support for Charities and Events
The Whitfield Estate has been a supporter of the National Gardens Scheme for over 50 years, opening the gardens for charity twice a year. Please see the Events page for this year’s dates. The estate gardens and extensive woodlands are also used to host events such as Gardens in The Wild, which benefited the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, and the Hike for Homestart, with donations going to Herefordshire Homestart, a charity which supports children and families in crisis.

Upcoming Events
Private Group Tours
From April to September, private group tours can be arranged with a charge per person to include light refreshments. Contact hereford@balfours.co.uk for details. 01981 570727